anthony pardee


Verbalize is an iOS app that allows those with impaired communication to express themselves with speech recordings and photos. It's designed for use at home and in the classroom, and is actively being used for speech therapy.
[web] [app store]


A multiplayer game of pong with a web-based client backed by a server, written in Go, that handles matchmaking services and message relay for active matches.
[web] [github]


An XCode pbxProj file parser written in Swift 2.0 as a exercise. The parser—which builds an AST from the project file content—can be used to more easily make programmatic edits to the project file.


The product on an early facination with 3D web . Around the time standards like WebGL were introduced—and certainly before they were widely supported—it was clear that there was some potential there. The following demos were meant to show off what was at the time quite the novelty:

Software rendering using 2D canvas primitives

Using the HTML 5 canvas for 'rasterization', this demo implements a very basic 3D pipeline including primitive assembly, perspective projection, and shading.
[web] [github]

Skinned animation with WebGL

This WebGL demo shows GPU based skinned animation. The source also includes a very basic data pipeline for animations, taking FBX scene data and outputing json keyframe data that the page viewer consumes and animates.
[web] [github]


orbit's a simple game that was primarily developed as a means of introducing myself to javascript. See how many times you can get the space junk to orbit the planet before it comes crashing down!
[web] [github]